I've Moved!

I've decided to move over to tumblr! All my downloads will remain here, but new ones will only be available on my tumblr. Download links will also lead to my tumblr. These changes will occur over time. Current downloads will be reposted to my tumblr, save for some, such as my dog breed revamps as they'll be getting re-revamped in the near future.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

South Italy Hetalia

I have revamped my Hetalia Sims multiple times and though I should share them as I am dissatisfied with the previous ones.  Changes weren't big, but enough for me to want to reupload.

In Game Name: I use Romano for personal preference. You can change it of course.
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult
Type: Human
Hair Color: Brown 
Eye Color: Green
Traits: Over-emotional, Childish, Natural Cook, Coward, Grumpy
Made on Game Patch: 1.57

Custom Content Needed:

To attain the look in the screenshots, you will need to download the following custom content as it is not included in the download of just the Sims himself.

Non-Default Custom Skin (Optional): Eskin Natural Tan: Mod the Sims 
Clothing and Hair Curl: Mediafire

Games Needed:

The Sims 3
If you're here from the exchange, despite what it says there, he only needs the base game. Generations and Seasons were used on a couple outfits, but are NOT necessary to get the main look in the screenshots.

Download Sim

1 comment:

  1. How do I input the content into my game?


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