I've Moved!

I've decided to move over to tumblr! All my downloads will remain here, but new ones will only be available on my tumblr. Download links will also lead to my tumblr. These changes will occur over time. Current downloads will be reposted to my tumblr, save for some, such as my dog breed revamps as they'll be getting re-revamped in the near future.

Follow me now! http://cresties-sims.tumblr.com/

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

MOAR Australian Shepherd Colors

I've added more colors and improved the overall look of the breed which was atrocious before.
There are a total of 11 colors to choose from!

Better Rottweiler

The defualt Rottweiler in the game was quite ugly to me so this is my improved take on the breed. I've given it a richer color, removed the curled tail (which is a fault for the breed). Don't know where they were going with the curled tail as I know that, when they have their full tails, it can be held over the back with a slight curl, but not the way EA portrayed. Anyways, with some improvements made, here is my new Rottweiler!

More Dalmatian Colors

I made some slight changes to the breed and added the two other colors the breed comes in, Lemon and Liver spotted. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

MOAR German Shepherd Colors

After a few days, my German Shepherd Color project is finally complete! The downloads later down in the post are of various German Shepherd colors including officially accepted colors, colors that are considered faults, and colors that make the dog considered a different breed (such as white and panda). There are over 20 different colors below for you to pick and choose from. Enjoy!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Captain Jack Sparrow

I've been dying to create Captain Jack since I got the Sims 3 but it was impossible to find his hair or facial hair at the time and he just doesn't look right without it. So with a big thank you shout-out to Necrodog at Mod the Sims, I give you my rendition of Jack Sparrow.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

North Italy Hetalia

I've redone this Sim so many times, its ridiculous. I'm happy with him right now, so here is the updated version of my take on the Sim version of Italy from Hetalia. :)

South Italy Hetalia

I have revamped my Hetalia Sims multiple times and though I should share them as I am dissatisfied with the previous ones.  Changes weren't big, but enough for me to want to reupload.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Roxas' Outfit

This outfit is just clones of base game pants and a showtime shirt that I made new recolorable channels and overlays for. These do not override or conflict with the existing versions in game. They have been tested and no problems are found with these.

I am aware these aren't exact, but they are close in design and still better than substituting random content from the game to create his look. These are not new meshes.

The Top:


Roxas - Kingdom Hearts

After some hours slaving over attempting to re-create his outfit, I give you Roxas. Being who I am, never satisfied with other exchange versions of  my favorite character Sims, I tried to do him as much justice as possible so I hope you like him. :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Better Border Collie

I had a bit of trouble with this breed, but it is better than the original, particularly from the side. I made a variety of color variations.

Better Saint Bernard

This breed needed a little facial changes but mostly, a more realistic coat coloring since no Saint Bernard comes in the color EA made them. I made two variations in color.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Revamped version of my Russia sim seen on my exchange account. 



Revamped version of Austria from the one originally found on my exchange account.


Sanji (One Piece)

Revamp of my older version of Sanji seen on the exchange. 

Russia Cat

Russia cat from the Nekotalia segment of Hetalia.

Austria and Hungary Cat (Nekotalia)

Austria and Hungary cat from the Nekotalia segment of  Hetalia.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


I've revamped my Belarus Sim previously seen on the exchange. I've fixed up her face, changed her clothing and just did some overall little changes to improve her.

Better Boxers

The Boxer was another very bad breed representation. I've fixed it up, provided two version of it similar to my Dobermans as well as given you a choice of 6 different colors (both versions have the same colors).

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Better Pembroke Corgis

The Corgis ingame so poorly represented the breed, I jumped on the idea of revamping them upon suggestion. This is my new version of the Pembroke corgi. I've used multiple sliders to achieve the look that you'll need if you want to further edit the physical shape of the dogs. While getting the dog as close to the ground as it should be is not possible, hopefully, this one is still better than the original.

Monday, September 23, 2013

New Breed: Norfolk Terriers

New as in, not in the Sims by default. The Norfolk Terrier was requested by my sister. 

Better Doberman Pinscher

I've redone the Doberman and included some various colors. I felt the original poorly represented the breed, mainly in the head/face. I also redid the breed in its natural state without cropped ears or a docked tail. Both come in the same color varieties, the only difference being their ears and tails.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Better Beagles

This one didn't involve too much change, but I did edit a few things as well as add some new colors. 

Better Shiba Inu

I felt the Shiba would be better represented as a large breed and needed some overall improvements. I also included some more markings for them.
Feel free to edit/change them further if you want to/aren't satisfied with these.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Better Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The next breed I've tried to improve on is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I didn't care for this breed;s default either so I've made my own and included a version of the breed in all four standard colors. 

Better Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog (Berner Sennenhund) is one of my top 3 favorite dog breeds and I was never satisfied with the premade one in the game. While I don't own one of these beautiful dogs, I love having one in the Sims so I recreated the breed, using the original as a base. While its still not perfect, I would say its still closer to the real thing than the original which lacked fluff, the correct rich, rust coloring, and the rust facial markings seen on the cheeks of real life Berners. Feel free to further edit/change mine if you want to.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Farm House

I've redone my farm I built a while back but never shared. I made it with less custom content (and actually tracked what I used) so I can share it. Its one of my favorite homes that I've built. This home is large and uses a bit of custom content as well as items from most expansion packs.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Snowball the Hackycat

I've decided to create the cats from the iOS game, Hackycat. Theses amusing felines were fun to make. If you haven't tried this game, you should, its a ton of fun!

Excellent self licking skils.

Expansions Used in This Creation:

The Sims 3The Sims 3 Pets
You must have the pets expansion to use pets.
No custom content or sliders used.


I highly recommend Traelia's Purrfect Eye Replacements on Mod the Sims. These eyes are so much better looking than the default EA ones. I use the Local Black Cat replacements, but you can choose either one. This is not required in any way for the cat to work, but I highly recommend you download it so all your kitty's eyes will be as purrrfect as they should have been.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Tubbs the Upsized Hackycat

I've decided to create the cats from the iOS game, Hackycat. Theses amusing felines were fun to make. If you haven't tried this game, you should, its a ton of fun!

Once ate an entire seacow.

Expansions Used in This Creation:

The Sims 3The Sims 3 Pets
You must have the pets expansion to use pets.
No custom content or sliders used.

I highly recommend Traelia's Purrfect Eye Replacements on Mod the Sims. These eyes are so much better looking than the default EA ones. I use the Local Black Cat replacements, but you can choose either one. This is not required in any way for Whiskers to work, but I highly recommend you download it so all your kitty's eyes will be as purrrfect as they should have been.

Angus the Monobrow Hackycat

I've decided to create the cats from the iOS game, Hackycat. Theses amusing felines were fun to make. If you haven't tried this game, you should, its a ton of fun!

Clippers? BAH.

Expansions Used in This Creation:

The Sims 3The Sims 3 Pets
You must have the pets expansion to use pets.
No custom content or sliders used.


I highly recommend Traelia's Purrfect Eye Replacements on Mod the Sims. These eyes are so much better looking than the default EA ones. I use the Local Black Cat replacements, but you can choose either one. This is not required in any way for Whiskers to work, but I highly recommend you download it so all your kitty's eyes will be as purrrfect as they should have been.

Mustachio the Well Groomed Hackycat

I've decided to create the cats from the iOS game, Hackycat. Theses amusing felines were fun to make. If you haven't tried this game, you should, its a ton of fun!

+10% manliness.

Expansions Used in This Creation:

The Sims 3The Sims 3 Pets
You must have the pets expansion to use pets.
No custom content used.
Tail length slider used from Mod the Sims.


I highly recommend Traelia's Purrfect Eye Replacements on Mod the Sims. These eyes are so much better looking than the default EA ones. I use the Local Black Cat replacements, but you can choose either one. This is not required in any way for Whiskers to work, but I highly recommend you download it so all your kitty's eyes will be as purrrfect as they should have been.

Spritely the 8-bit Hackycat

I've decided to create the cats from the iOS game, Hackycat. Theses amusing felines were fun to make. If you haven't tried this game, you should, its a ton of fun!

Please select CGA / EGA / VGA.

Expansions Used in This Creation:

The Sims 3The Sims 3 Pets
You must have the pets expansion to use pets.
No custom content or sliders used.


I highly recommend Traelia's Purrfect Eye Replacements on Mod the Sims. These eyes are so much better looking than the default EA ones. I use the Local Black Cat replacements, but you can choose either one. This is not required in any way for Whiskers to work, but I highly recommend you download it so all your kitty's eyes will be as purrrfect as they should have been.

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